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STR #1466

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STR #1466

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:hide mouse pointer when typing in text editors
Created By:wavexx
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1-current (SVN: v5517)
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#1 wavexx
13:37 Oct 10, 2006
I know.... I shouldn't fill feature requests for 1.1 :)

OSX hides the mouse pointer when typing in a text editor (*Input equivalents in FLTK). This is very useful when using large input widgets, and a small but noticeable improvement in general UI usage.

Changing the mouse cursor of the current widget to FL_CURSOR_NONE when the first keyboard down event is received, and switching it back on motion/leave doesn't sound impossible.
#2 mike
18:03 Oct 10, 2006
Implementing this is actually trivial since we are already handling move/enter/leave. The new code hides the mouse pointer when the user presses any key and then shows it again on move, push, enter, or leave.

Implemented for both Fl_Input_/Fl_Input and Fl_Text_Display/Editor.

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